Tuesday 1 November 2016

One Year In!

Well, it's been a big month for us.

Matthew turned one, he started at daycare and consequently, he got a cold - he's been congested for over two weeks now! He's also able to take a few steps! He says quite a few things (go-go means yogurt, ba-mama means banana, he makes the sounds of an elephant, owl, cat, dog) and understands even more. Recently he's started laughing at his bodily noises, his tummy grumbling, burping and farting. He loves it even more when I imitate those noises! He's such a joy - he absolutely loves music (especially piano and guitar, jazz and classical) and indicates he wants us to turn it on (by bobbing his head) all the time, including the minute he wakes up or enters the house.

We have also successfully trialed soy! Doing a trial whilst the baby is sick is not recommended. I couldn't tell if the mucousy loose diapers were from the illness or the soy - but as he starts to feel better, the diapers have cleared up while I am still giving soy. No vomit, so it's a pass! On to beans.

Starting Matthew at daycare was so heart-breaking. He started having separation anxiety the week before we started, so I knew it would be heart-wrenching. He was absolutely bewildered and terrified as I walked away. Of course, he had also started saying "mama" the week before, and what had been the sweetest sound to my ears, now hurt my heart as he called for me as I walked out the door. When I picked him up, his eyes were all red and puffy. Today is the first day his daycare is making a special safe menu for him, and he is not eating my food, so I'm fairly anxious about that! What if he reacts? What if he can't chew it? What if he doesn't like it and doesn't eat enough and is hungry?

To make matters worse, putting him down in the evening has become difficult - he is afraid I am leaving him every time I put him in the crib and walk out, including during his middle of the night wake-ups.

I know it will get better, and I know he won't remember this, but it's so heart-breaking!

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